TRITON POWER : Acquired Akkarawat 4.9 MW Biogas Power Plant

biogas Archives - Triton Holding Public Company Limited,

TRITON POWER : Acquired Akkarawat 4.9 MW Biogas Power Plant

TRITON HOLDING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED or TRITN released information via SET that on 24 January 2020 Board of Directors meeting has passed resolution on business plan to acquire biogas Power Plant AKKARAWAT Renewable Plant Energy Co., Ltd. (Power Plant Operation AKW) by authorizing TRITON POWER


TRITON POWER : Acquired 4.9 MW Biogas Power Plant

Triton Holding Public Company Limited (TRITN) announced that the subsidiary company, Triton Power Co., Ltd. (TPW) has acquired in biogas power plant business of Akkarawat Renewable Energy Power Plant Company Limited (AKW) on February 17, 2020, with the following details: